Zoom, eZoom and Zaostřeno (‘In focus’)
How to choose between a print magazine and a cheaper digital version?
Sanofi Group in the Czech Republic and Slovakia encompasses the Sanofi, Zentiva, Sanofi Pasteur and Genzyme brands. Zoom wanted to be a magazine for all their employees. Analysis showed that the readership consisted of experts in various spheres at all levels: from research pharmacists, production technicians and assembly line operators to admin staff, sales reps and management. The global operation of Sanofi Group also means the workforce includes many different nationalities. What’s more, workplaces are spread over several localities. In the group’s complicated structure it is important that employees in various areas know about each another. They need to know what everyone else does and is responsible for. That helps them work together effectively. The internal medium has to cover the interests of a wide range of readers and comes out in three language versions. The strategy we opted for at Boomerang was maximalist but correct. We also started to produce Zoom in an interactive tablet version. Both the printed and tablet magazines had Slovak and English language versions. The media mix was complemented by a fortnightly information poster in Czech and a weekly electronic newsletter in Czech and English. All the internal media inform about goings-on in the company and present employees to their colleagues. They show the firm’s human face and try to improve employees’ awareness of the company and boost their pride in and loyalty to the brand. And the suitably chosen media mix made that possible.
Our Solution
So, how do you choose between a print magazine and a cheaper digital version? Choose both, if necessary.
‘Above all, I appreciate the ability to really understand the needs and thinking of us, the client, and the expectations of Sanofi and Zentiva employees.’