Magazín mladého zdravotníka (‘Young Medic magazine’)
How to get children and teenagers enthusiastic about something as ‘boring’ as medical education and first-aid training?
When we hear the words Red Cross, everyone thinks of humanitarian aid. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The Czech Red Cross mainly focuses on preventive schemes and first-aid training from a very young age. In addition, it publishes the Young Medic magazine, which has come out in its innovated form since 2011. Every year, its 56 pages show young readers how they can give first aid to and save the lives of injured friends or even themselves.
Targeting children and young people
The key to the magazine’s success is understanding the target group, which is children and young people from the age of six to around fifteen. That is why we at Boomerang always combine the topics and graphic styles in a way ensuring that everyone, from first-graders to teenagers, can find something of interest in it. We feature comic strips, serialised photo stories, interviews with stars and coverage of adrenalin sports; there are practical quizzes, English language lessons and competitions for great prizes. We want the kids to have a laugh while learning something new and useful. Young Medic magazine is free of charge and its young readers get access to it in schools and leisure clubs, on courses and at Czech Red Cross events. And now it’s also online at www.mladyzdravotnik.cz.
Our Solution
So, how do you get children and teenagers enthusiastic about something as ‘boring’ as medical education and first-aid training? You have to package the vitally important information in fun illustrations and not be afraid to show a gruesome image of a severed finger (don’t worry, not a real one).
“Boomerang is a team of professionals, wonderful, nice people, with whom we can learn together, have fun and pick up a couple of awards.”