Liška magazine
How to reach customers away from the counter in the branch?
Once a client has signed a contract with a building society, the annual account statement is practically the only way the company communicates him. Unless it publishes its own client magazine like Českomoravská stavební spořitelna. The concept we at Boomerang came up with was based on the idea that even though Liška is a corporate magazine, that shouldn’t be apparent. That made it necessary to change its graphic design and content, especially in its main lifestyle section. The magazine is now much more visual and uses shorter texts, presenting other information through graphically attractive ‘reader traps’ (info boxes, photo captions, quotes etc.). It inspires and gives readers the courage to set up their own homes. The magazine comes out twice a year and has 44 pages, including covers, with roughly a quarter of that space taken by advertising, which covers all the cost of producing the magazine. Every six months, Liška is read by almost 700,000 Czech households.

Our Solution
So, how do you reach customers away from the counter in the branch? By sending them a free magazine they will look forward to, because it’s as good to read as paid magazines.