Letňany shopping centre
How to generate five times more interest and make customers visit your shopping centre more often?
The Letňany shopping centre’s 365 Days magazine used to be the standard kind of magazine published by just about every shopping centre – printed in large format on chalk paper and free to take in the shopping centre. 2013 brought a complete change in communication, however. An analysis of the shopping centre’s main objective (bringing in new customers and increasing their loyalty) showed clearly that one magazine published five times a year was not enough. A content hub was the solution.
Mix of five media
At Boomerang, we prepared a mix of five media tailor-made for the needs of the Letňany shopping centre. It included a small print magazine displayed on stands and in stores in the shopping centre (3 times a year), a mini-magazine with discount vouchers sent out by post (3 times a year), an e-mail newsletter (12 times a year), an online blog (48 times a year) and Facebook posts (120 times a year). Via these five communication channels, we reached 400,000 potential customers a year, presenting 2,000 products and services to them. The combination of media broadened the reach, while we made sure that articles and posts were attractive and up-to-date. Savings were achieved through the reduced production costs resulting from content sharing across platforms. Once content has been produced, and produced the right way, it only needs minor adjustments to be used in the magazine, on the website or in the newsletter. Quality remains, while efficiency skyrockets.
Our Solution
So, how do you generate five times more interest and make customers visit your shopping centre more often? Take one serving of high-quality content, mix it up a bit and send the finished product to customers via five different channels.
P.S.: Boomerang helped the Letňany shopping centre with its communication for nine years, starting in 2008. The cooperation only ended when the shopping centre got a new owner in 2016.
2,000 products and services presented